This is our two branches together at a picnic on a hill in the city. It was a wonderful park but we did have to climb up some hills and down some paths. It was quite cool this day which was all right if you were playing ball but too cool for us just sitting. It was a good activity because our Nigerians were there and the other members, even some people not members yet.

This is Tony from Nigeria, this was taken at the church before we went but we were watching him play and he IS good. He was just baptized last Sat. and confirmed last Sunday when a member of our area Pres. was to church, what an honor for him.

Elder Jacobs our Zone Leader. He loves any sport and is good in all of them. He and Elder
Gassaway are very good missionaries and he can play the guitar. They are so much fun to be around.

The two on the right are Wenja and Julie, we went with them yesterday to an International music Competition just around the corner of our apartment, It was fantastic, boy what talent

They just got through playing soccer and we're getting ready to eat. It was a very good activity. Make sure you click on the pictures to zoom in. These are good people who we have grown to love.