Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nigerian Feast

Dorcas and Ceclia are cooking an authentic Nigerian dinner for Elder Allsop who is going home and his parents. This is what they wear in their home land. These are the people we have home evening with every Mon. night. Elder Allsop's parents came to pick him up and they were very nice to visit with. They are from the Salt Lake area. Elder Allsop baptised everyone of them.
You eat the things at the other end of the table, which is like cream of wheat, drained and put into balls (that's saran wrap around them) tear off a little and dip it into some chicken and sauce,(very hot) then some on the tray of chicken and beef on skewers and then rice with vegtables in it. One course at a time. Fruit juice to drink which is what we usually have at all the meals. It was very good. Elder Allsop in his Authentic Nigerian costume. He loved it.
This is all of us. They were kind enough to envite us. They're good people and trying to understand all that we teach them. Which is all new to them. They might be leaving to go to other schools and or back to Nigeria in the summer.
Tony the most recent convert pretending he's playing the piano. It's actually a player piano also in the chapel, so he really sounded good. He plays Soccer here in Ukraine for different clubs, he's really good.


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