About the middle of the month we were invited to go with President Steinagel, his wife and son to IvanoFrankivs'ka to help with a Branch Conference and a training meeting with the leaders of the different auxiliaries. We are at the front door here. It is in one big long building and the church is one small part of that building. We left on Sat. morning and came home Mon. morning so it wasn't so rushed this time mainly because they had a lot of interviews to do. This is the chapel as we are getting ready to leave, check out the floor. The building is very nice but I guess they didn't put enough heat in it because they have little heaters that they put in the rooms that they are going to use, then they don't waste the heat. We took the train there and if you click on this you can see a man holding a sign. There is someone at each station and road crossing. They only stay out there a short time and then back into the building they go. At the road crossings they always have a small building where they stay. We went on the day train I guess. The lady sitting in the back is in the next compartment, you can see a bunk that she is sitting on and one above her plus one above that one (which you can't see). Across from her is the same thing and on the end behind Elder Williams is one that goes across. Where he is sitting makes out into a bed, one above him and one above that so it sleeps 9 people. A man is sleeping above her, you can see his legs. If you ask at the beginning of the trip they will give you clean sheets and a pillowcase. No doors on any of these. When you buy a Koupa and go all night, it only sleeps 4 people but has a door and lock on the door but we buy the whole Koupa so we don't have to share it with anyone that is drinking. There sleighs here are old fashion but they really use them on the sidewalks pulling them here and there. They usually have a back on them so the children don't fall off the back end. The next one is our Hotel that we stayed in Ivano. It was one of the nicest ones that we've stayed in.
One of our Branches went to the Theatre as a group. It was a play but not at the Opera Center. This however is a picture looking down to the Opera Center. The lights were beautiful. The Play was good. We had to just guess what they were talking about because it was all in Ukrainian but at intermission, Ira caught us up. This is our Branch Pres. and his wife. Ira is on the left, such a sweet lady with another sweet lady, the mother of a friend of ours. They are all wonderful people that we have grown to love.
This little truck we saw one day and we hadn't seen it before. It says "roostick". I think they are like cheese puffs. This is in center down by the opera center. They were all dressed up. There were little cars to ride in for the kids and this is where the big Christmas tree is also. I guess this little train was taking people for rides also. This woman's coat is fur. They really have beautiful fur coats, some short and some clear down to their ankles. Boots always match their purse. Usually they always wear hats. They are very stylish. The one with the white on is very different. I didn't mean to get the man smoking but sadly enough most men do. The video below this is what I sent to some people. It was very touching. I was trying to save it so we could take it to English and show it without an internet connection but I'm not as talented as most people, I was able to put it on here however.
At Thanksgiving the Elders were popping each others back, they seem to have a lot of trouble with their backs. Our kitchen isn't very big so a couple of Elders had to sit by the sink to eat at Thanksgiving. The rest of us are at the table. Ukrainians seem to be quite superstitious, here are some of the things they believe. They never shake your hand in the threshold of the door if you're coming in only after you're in, it's a sign of insincerity. They never drink cold water or drinks (maybe that's why there is no ice) it will hurt their throat. They always wear a hat in the winter when it's cold. They never sit on the cold cement, it will make you infertile. Never open the windows on opposite sides of the house to cause a draft, you'll get sick. If you sit at the corner of the table, you'll be single forever. When entering someones house you always take off your shoes, I like this one. When it comes to queuing (getting in line) Ukrainians are the very worst (it says in a Ukrainian book) even worst than Greeks, they just crowd in. On the Marshootka's (bus) they pass their money up and down the aisle to the driver always trusting those who get on the front or the back to pay but if you're in a store and they don't have enough change to give you a few kopecks they just don't. The first video is of some Indian dancers trying to earn money down the center of town. A couple of days after Thanksgiving at our Branch party the Elders did a dance, I hope this works o.k.
Nancy is still a mother and enjoys golf, playing the violin being with our 8 children and 24 grandchildren. Stanley was a farmer and also enjoys grandchildren, golf, and fishing. We are currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Lviv, Ukraine