Stanley wanted to go to Chernobyl while we were here in Ukraine and we were able to get a tour organized for us and 3 other couples. When we finished with the tour we all had to go through this check point to be checked for radiation. We checked out o.k. The explosion took place in 1986, they never did say how many people died because they tried to keep it a secret for a couple of days. There were about 50,000 people whom they evacuated in one day with 1500 buses.
This was a circus that they had just finished putting up but never was able to use it before they had to leave. It is bumper cars.
People can tolerate 50 micro rams and hour. This was taken behind the reactor
This is a picture of number 4 reactor that blew up. They put a cover over it and are still working to put a permanent cover over that and the water is the cooling pond for the reactors. There are huge catfish that live in this water, we asked, " how do they survive" and they said that they were just used to it and they are so big because of course know one can fish here.
These are barges that used to get materials in and out but everything was left the way it was. Even in the houses they left everything and was told not to take anything with them except the clothes on there backs.