This is who was at our Home evening and dinner that the Elders made. It didn't copy right on the web and I haven't figured out how to fix this so half is at the top and half is at the bottom. I just want to keep you on your toes.
This was part of the hurricane of last week. This was a pretty big trunk of a tree. I didn't get too many pictures because we were inside the whole time. The elders were out in it and the water was flooding the streets. The cars were pushing the water as they went down the streets. The Tram-vie had a broken electrical so they didn't work for a couple of days. Because of that I couldn't believe the people that were out on the streets the next day walking because no one could ride the tram. I guess they really need all of these kinds of transportation to get through this city.
This is looking down the hill at the church. The whole hill was covered by downed limbs. They still don't have the city cleaned up yet.
Two of our Elders, fixing Navajo taco's for the Nigerians, just before home evening. They're such good Elders and are always working hard.