On our train rides we get a whole Koupa, the picture above is what it looks like after they give us some clean (we think) sheets and pillow cases and the picture below is what it looks like when we first get there except the beds are up and you have to unhook them to let them down and then we put a mattress on them to make them softer. Sometimes there is a window down the aisle outside the door to this Koupa and you can pull it down to get air but their is usually only about two windows per car. It gets very hot and stuffy sometimes but it gives us a chance to rest and study or read. There was a baby next to us on this trip and he was so good and so cute. This is a better picture than I put before of the men or women that stand out at every crossing or station. Ira, is the lady that helped us everyday when the Patriarch was with us. Her Mother wants to meet us but we can't get her to come to things, she's not a member, so this next week we're going to go and see her. Ira is about 43, she's a dear.
The Symphony was so good, of course, I didn't get a video of the very best part when the drums and horns where all there. This orchestra is from Lviv and the conductor is from Switzerland. He was very good. They have this special event twice a year with special Opera singers and chorus' Enjoy a little bit of Ukraine.
Nancy is still a mother and enjoys golf, playing the violin being with our 8 children and 24 grandchildren. Stanley was a farmer and also enjoys grandchildren, golf, and fishing. We are currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Lviv, Ukraine
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